
Public Transportation in Dublin

A city bus in Dublin only has one entrance, which is also the only exit. You can only pay in coins when entering. The bus driver can not return the change so you have to pay the exact fare. It’s also very hard to see when you have to exit the bus, since their is no display. I had to track the bus on Google Maps so I wouldn’t miss my bus station.

I recommend getting a Leap Card. It’s like a prepaid card for the city buses. It makes payment easier and you get cheaper fares. You can buy it at authorized vendors like Eurospar. Moreover fare capping is a big advantage. The following is quoted from the Dublin Bus website.

Fare capping is really easy. The Leap Card system caps your use of travel credit, so once you have taken trips using your travel credit that add up to the equivalent of the daily or weekly cap value, you can continue to travel as normal, but no further travel credit will be taken from your card.

When travelling on Dublin Bus, the daily cap for an adult is €7.00 and the weekly cap is €27.50. So for example, if you are taking two journeys a day to get to and from work of €2.50 each, you would hit the weekly cap on Dublin Bus on your 11th trip (11 x €2.50 = €27.50) and all other journeys after that would be free. 

The cap is measured on a calendar week, starting on Monday and finishing on Sunday. 

There is also a multi-operator cap if you are travelling on Dublin Bus, Luas, Dart and Commuter Rail. The daily cap is €10.00 and the weekly cap is €40.00.
When the cap is reached you should continue to touch on as normal to have a valid ticket. For further details on Leap Card Fare Capping, please see

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